
Posts Tagged ‘cooking’


Make exactly what you need at the time.

I know this seems counter intuitive. Since doesn’t more food at one time mean I have to cook less. But I, like most people, really don’t like leftovers, and half the time they end up in the garbage. So you end up spending more time, or money replacing the food you don’t want to eat.  Plus it almost always takes more time to cook more food, so if you cook less its less time.

So if you are having chicken breast figure out what you need at the meal exactly. Best Rule of thumb is 200gm per person or quarter of a pound. Don’t know how much that is, don’t guess. Use a scale or just have the butcher package the chicken breasts in exactly the amounts you need.

Also when you have established what you need to eat in a meal when there isn’t any leftovers you are more likely not to eat more.

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